Where do you find the Best information on the End Time? 

So many people have so many different views of the End Time.  This is because each learns in different ways and
from different sources.  Some, probably most, learn what they know from their preacher.  If the preacher is correct
in what he is preaching, then they will learn the truth.  Otherwise, they may learn untruths instead.  If you study for
yourself, where do you start?

I have discovered the very best way to understand the End Time, or what the prophet Daniel termed the "time of the
end."   If you will read this, I believe it will help you to discover the truth on this matter.

Question: Who is the most important individual source of End Time truth?

Who would know everything about the end time?  Would it be Daniel or perhaps John (who penned
the book of Revelation), or maybe Matthew, Mark, or Luke?  No, it is Jesus, Himself.  Of course, what Jesus had to
say was written in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as well as Revelation.

Why is Jesus so important for understanding the End Time?

You have to realize that Jesus was the "focal point" of old-testament prophecy.  Everything in the spiritual life of a
Israelite was oriented toward the coming of Messiah.  They longed for His arrival, yet most of them failed
to recognize
Him when He came.  Jesus did not do the things the priests were expecting and they would not
accept Him as their long-awaited Messiah.  Old testament prophecy foretold the coming of Messiah and all
prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus and no one else.  Every spiritual thing from God came through Jesus to us.  So
who, but Jesus, should we look to for the basis of our End Time belief?

I am not telling you that the authors who wrote the Gospels or the epistles in the Bible are wrong in what they say,
I am saying that everything must meet the test of agreement with the words of Jesus.  Jesus is the One we must look
to first.  What did He tell His followers was going to happen, and when?

The Olivet Discourse

When Jesus spoke on the Mount of Olives, as recorded in Luke 21, Matthew 24 and Mark 13, He made if quite
clear what was soon coming to pass and what they should do to go through it.  If you establish your beliefs upon
the words of Jesus, you will be on the proper footing.  Any other is the wrong foundation.

It is also very important that you depend on Luke 21 to explain what Jesus foretold on the Mount of Olives.
Matthew 24 and Mark 13 cover the exact same information, but Luke puts it in words that we can best understand.  He
is very specific about what the great tribulation is to be and where it will occur.  I have used the journalistic approach
to make it easier.  If you try to understand the End-Times by starting with Revelation or other places, you will have a difficult time finding the truth.

Please proceed to the manuscript and read it carefully.  I have spent over thirty years studying this and the "After
the Great Tribulation" manuscript is the fruit of that labor.  Click